Tips To Safely Manage A Car Breakdown During Night Time
A car breakdown is one of the worst experiences in life. And, can be made even worse when it happens at night. A roadside emergency can happen to anyone. Even brand new cars can lose functionality and break down in the middle of the road.
Whether you are waiting for help to come or doing repairs on your own, you must follow some safety tips. Thankfully, towing services are there to help you. They move your vehicle to a safe place by towing it.
Read this blog to learn how you can manage a car breakdown at night. If you reside in Edmonton, you can always contact Action Towing to help you get out of a car breakdown situation.
Stay Safe During The Nighttime Car Breakdown
Having your car breakdown in the night is scarier than you can imagine. This is especially true when you are stuck on a lonely road where you can find no help. However, a few safety tips can help you get through it.
Turn On Your Hazard Lights And Flashlights
Bright lights are not only for driving through deserted places, but they are also a sign of showing problems to other motorists. When you begin to feel that there is a problem with your car, turn on your hazards to warn other drivers on the road.
It is very important if you are driving on a busy highway. Sometimes, finding a side area to park your car can be difficult. Turning on your flashlights and hazards will notify other drivers and give you the space to park your car.
If your lights don’t work, you can use cones or pop your hood to show that you are having trouble with your car.
Pull Your Vehicle Off The Road
Get off the road as soon as possible to avoid accidents. Never stop around curves or corners, instead look for a parking lot nearby. You should also try to park your car under a street light if there is any. In the event that there is something wrong with one of your tires, you should continue to drive till you find a safe spot to park your car.
Stay In Your Car
Whatever the situation is, it is wise to stay inside your car. Call your tow service provider and wait for them while sitting in your car. Staying inside will not only keep you safe but also will prevent your car from being stolen.
Call For Help
You can handle a few problems, such as changing a flat tire or checking the radiator. However, if the problem is serious, you can always call your friend or family member nearby or a professional car roadside assistance service provider.
Emergency towing services such as Action Towing are of great help to tow your vehicle to a safer place where mechanics can help you.
Give Exact Location
Informing a towing company about your exact location can be difficult. Even if you are familiar with the area, billboards, street signs, and other landmarks can be hard to see.
To give your exact location, you can use Google Maps to share information with the towing company. Moreover, you can tell them the road name or street number where you are standing. If you are new to the area, it is good to share your live location with them.
Keep Essentials In Your Car
Emergency supplies can save you temporarily. It is good to keep them in your car for changing flat tires or inform others that you are having trouble with your car. Essential items can include:
- A first aid kit
- A bottle of water for the radiator
- A phone charger
- An internet device
- A flashlight
- Reflectors
- A booster cable
- A spare tire
- A tire inflator and sealer
- Some duct tape
- A jumper cable
- Snacks and drinking water
- Plastic bags
Wrap Up
Taking action immediately when feeling that your car is not behaving well can save you from a lot of fatigue. Ensure to park your car immediately at a safe location and rely only on professional vehicle services. Use your judgment while seeking help from strangers.
Finally, get in touch with Action Towing vehicle services for availing roadside assistance of all types. You can contact our team here for instant roadside assistance.